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Saturday, December 31, 2011

The True Meaning of Christmas

     Now that you’ve bought your Christmas tree, you've gone to your Christmas parties and wasted hundred of dollars buying gifts for family, friends and coworkers, either because you wanted to or because it was a traditional office Kris Cringle shenanigan (not to mention that you forgot that the first of the month is right around the corner and now you have bills piling); now that you've gone to Mass at your local parish, or service at your local church; now that you’ve had Christmas dinner and experienced all kind of quagmires with some drunk relative or an argument with your in-laws, you are all Chrismased-out and getting ready for the New Year.

     For those of you that did celebrate Christmas, why do you celebrate Christmas? Do you celebrate Christmas because you’re a Christian (give or take you’re not a Jehovah’s Witness, a Latter-day Saint, or a reformed Seven Day Adventist)? Do you celebrate Christmas because it’s the norm (“Everyone else is doing it.”)? Do you celebrate Christmas because you have children (“How do I tell my kids Santa isn’t real?”)? Whatever the case may be, at the end of the day, can you convey to anyone the actual meaning of Christmas? What is it about? Why do people buy gifts? Why is there so much greenery? Why is there a Yule log? When was it incorporated into Christian culture? What exactly is the true meaning of Christmas?

     For starters, people associate Christmas with the birth of the Christian god, Jesus, the giving of gifts, and merriment. There are carols dedicated to a red-nosed rein deer, bells that are either silver or jingle, or a mother kissing Santa. You can expect to see representatives of the Salvation Army posted up collecting donations with their annoying bell, or endless commercials advertising holiday sales that can’t be beat. There are different elements that embody the “Christmas spirit”, but what is their significance? What do they mean?

     This will be hard to grasp if you’re a Christian (save you’re a JW, a Mormon or a nonreformed SDA), but Christmas would have no meaning or significance if it was not for pagan customs. Sure, that is a bold and possibly, a “blasphemous” thing to say (“How dare they allege that my holy, Christmas day has something to do with those godless pagans?!). Nevertheless, what are the facts about Christmas?

     According to the Encyclopedia of Christmas, before your December 25th celebration was even called Christmas, it was known as Festum Nativitatis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, meaning the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. December 25th  was considered the Dies Natalis Domini (Birthday of the Lord) by a juvenile calculation of the Church; it was believed that Jesus was conceived in the spring (March 25th) and therefore, he was born in the winter (December 25th). The earliest records mention the celebration of Jesus' nativity under the Philocalian calendar in 336 AD. The celebration of the birth of Christ did not begin until the fourth century. This means the earliest Christians did not celebrate Jesus' birth!

     Why did Christians and the Church take so long to come up with a feast dedicated to Christ’s birth? Let’s examine the time the feast is first mentioned-336 AD. By this time, Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity and with his conversion, Christianity became a legal religion in Rome, which eliminated Christian persecution. Eventually, it became the official religion of Rome. This was the perfect time to increase its popularity and eliminate pagan Rome. One of the ways to do this was by incorporating pagan customs into Christianity.  The Catholic Church did this by Christianizing pagan Rome as a means of steering people away from pagan festivities.
     For example, pagan Rome had festivals such as Saturnalia that paid homage to the Roman god of agriculture, Saturn. Like the present day Christmas feast, it was a time of merry and gift-giving in the winter. In addition, there were feasts dedicated to Mithras and Sol Invictus, whose birthdays were celebrated on December 25th. There is no Biblical evidence to support that Jesus was born December 25th whatsoever. Even the World Book Encyclopedia will tell you that no one knows the date of Jesus' birth; however, in an attempt to convert pagans, the Catholic Church Christianized pagan customs to appease pagans. This is the very reason why there are so many pagan elements surrounding Christmas; Christianity had competition and the only way to compete was to assimilate and this was done by absorbing pagan customs into Christianity-an attempt to convert pagans. The Christmas Encyclopedia conveys that some Christians tried to outplay the solar deities by claiming that the true unconquered Sun was Jesus; after all, Biblical literature does allude to him as the Sun of Righteousness.

     Furthermore, the Yule log, too, has its origins in pagan culture. The Yule log is one of many pre-Christian Norse feasts (from mid-November to mid-January); sacrifices were made to the Aesir gods. In World Mythology and Legend, we read that the Yule log burning was a custom of lighting a log in honor of Thor with a fragment of the previous year’s log. In a typical move made by the Church, the Yule log was Christianized for no other reason-to convert pagans. Interestingly, the Church's explanation was that the preservation of the last year’s Yule log was effective in preventing fire in the house; this is how the Yule log has become apart of Christmas tradition. There is no correlation between the Yule log and the nativity of Jesus, just the influence of pagan culture.
     What's the true meaning of Christmas? Christmas is signified through the customs and festivities of pagan culture. Christmas would have no importance or relevance if it was not for pagan culture. If it was not for pagan culture, there would be no greenery decor during the Christmas season. If it was not for pagan culture, there would be no singing or gift giving during the Christmas season. If it was not for pagan culture, there would be no Yule log during the Christmas season. If it was not for pagan culture, the nativity of Jesus would not be on December 25th and do not for once think that this is blasphemy or heresy; this isn't blasphemy or heresy. Do not think that this is being said to promote apostasy. Even Christians acknowledge Christmas to be pagan; this is why Jehovah Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas. The World Book Encyclopedia inclines that Christians considered Christmas to be pagan because of its nonreligious customs dating as far back as the Reformation (1500's). In fact, Christmas was outlawed in England as well as in parts of their American colonies during the 1600's.    
     The true meaning of Christmas? Christmas is a pagan custom that was Christianized and this much is known by Christians.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Misconceptions of Atheism

    We are not atheists. In no way, shape, or form, are we atheists. We are mistaken to be atheists by the ignorant. Nonetheless, we are not atheists. Do we believe in the god of the Christians? No. Do we believe in the god of Israel? No. Do we believe in Allah, the Benevolent? No. Not even remotely do we believe in any of the aforementioned deities. Nonetheless, our disbelief in these deities is not the result of atheism. Misconceptions of Atheism will explain atheism in its simplest form. If you have a twisted understanding on atheism, your understanding on the subject is about to be uncoiled.

    You're probably thinking, "How can a person not be an atheist; yet, don't believe in Jesus, Allah, or Yaweh?" Well, the answer is simple: not believing in Jesus as the "Son of God", or Allah the Benevolent, or Yaweh, does not signify atheism. Here's a moment of truth: by definition, an infidel is a person that has no religious faith (Webster's Dictionary). American Writer Abrose Bierce, made an interesting point, "Infidel: in New York, one who does not believe in the Christian religion; in Constantinople, one who does." What's the point? Understanding the meaning of words and how they are used in certain places and at certain time periods is important.

      In having saying that, what is the meaning of atheism? How has the word atheism been used in certain places at certain times? Is atheism defined as not believing in the Judeo-Christian god? Is atheism signified as not believing in Allah, the god of the Muslims? Well, if you tell a Christian that you don't believe in Jesus, you will immediately be labeled an atheist. You could possibly have a set of religious tenets and a deity that you worship, but since you don't believe in the Christian god, you're instantly demonized and deemed a atheist. Why? You don't share the belief in the same god.

      For example, in ancient Rome, the early Christians were alluded to as atheists. How can a Christian be an atheist? How can a person that believes in a god, be an atheist at the same time? Well, consider the time and place of reference: Christianity did not become a legal religion in Rome until Constantine. Up until that point, Christians were persecuted and held their liturgies in catacombs. The god of the Christians was not recognized as the Supreme Being. At that time, there were many gods: Zeus, Mithra, Dionysus, and Sol Invictus. Christianity was a new religion with its new god, Jesus Christ. Why should the Romans, who had their own system of theology, incorporate a foreign and new god into their pantheon?

     Therefore, in the Writings of Justin Martyr, we read Justin Martyr (2nd century Christian apologist) making a defense for Christians, "We are called atheists and we confess that we are atheists, so far as [the pagan gods] are concerned, but not with respect to the most True God . . ." From this passage, we can deduce that people associate atheism with not believing in their god. Second century Christians did believe in a god-Jesus Christ. So what made them "atheists"? They were considered "atheists" because of their unbelief in the Greco-Roman gods. Although they did believe in a god, they were still "atheists" because they didn't believe in a god of another theology system. Is this the genuine and proper meaning of atheism?

      Essentially, one can properly understand the meaning of words by understanding the etymology of that word. For instance, atheism derives from the Greek word atheos. Since theos is preceded by the prefix a, the only conclusion to reach is this: atheos means without god. Look up the word atheism in a lexicon that provides the etymology of words if you doubt what you are reading. Nonetheless, atheism can only be signified as being godless or not believing in the existence of gods. If a person believes in Zeus, but not Jesus, that person is not an atheist; Zeus is a god as much as Jesus is a god. The discussion on the historicity and divinity of each god is another topic. Reverting back to the topic at discussion, believing in one god while at the same time, not believing in another god, is not atheism. Although the early Christians did not believe in the Greco-Roman gods, that did not mean they were atheists; they did believe in a god. If a person does not believe in the Judeo-Christian god, but does acknowledge that there is a Divine Force, that person cannot be and is not an atheist.

Friday, December 23, 2011

What Is The Apostate Commission?

Rebel Alliance Media, The Apostate Commission and The Federationf of Logic & Reason
     The Apostate Commission. What is the Apostate Commission? The Apostate Commission is more than just a seditious appellation. It is more than just a group of "heretics" or "schismatics" driven to wreak division and contention amongst Christians. It is more than just a group of "blasphemers" that make mockery of Judeo-Christianity and its deity. It is more than just a group of "antichrists" that "profane the name of God". It is more than just a group of "demons" who allude to themselves as members of the Trinity. No, this is not what signifies the Apostate Commission!

     The Apostate Commission offers more than just "mischief". They are an authoritative Force that excites the critical and analytical mind. They are a living Force that compels the mind to engage in independent thought. This is how one should become an apostate; this is how one should forsake a religion-applying critical and analytical thinking skills when it comes to organized religion and sacred literature such as the Bible and the Koran.

     How many adherents of organized religion are critical and analytical thinkers? How many adherents of organized religion employ independent thought? Devout Jews, pious Christians and loyal Muslims can't think for oneself. They don't know how to be critical thinkers. They don't know how to be analytical thinkers. Organized religion has a tight grip on their minds. Organized religion teaches its adherents not to think for themselves; they forbid it! Biblical literature can be quoted saying, "Lean not on your own understanding" or "I will give you pastors . . . which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding". This convinces its reader that thinking for oneself is sinister! This manipulates the adherent into thinking that the only way to God is through an ecclesiastical figure; that the only way to understanding sacred literature is through an ecclesiastical figure. Ecclesiastical figures are adulated and worshiped; they are very influential on their sheep. Adherents can be quoted saying, "Let me ask my pastor first" or "I have to see what my pastor says". Some of them even read key study Bibles! A person can't be an analytical reader of the Bible by reading a key study Bible. A person can't apply critical thinking skills while reading a key study Bible; a key study Bible prevents its reader from reaching an independent conclusion on a passage.

     What's the point? The point is this: as long as a person is void of independent thought and critical and analytical thinking skills, that person will forever be a prisoner of organized religion. That person will not even consider pagan theology and mythology's influence on organized religion. That person will not even consider Comparative Theology (religion) research. That person will not consider becoming an apostate because according to that person, that person's religion is divinely inspired and true. According to that person, the idea that pagan theology and mythology having any influence to the development and success of that person's religion is diabolical.

     The Apostate Commission consists of former adherents of organized religion that have done their research on pagan theology and mythology. The Apostate Commission consists of former adherents of organized religion that have done their research on Comparative Theology (religion). They apply their innate gifts of independent thought and critical and analytical thinking skills to the discussion of religion. They are the blueprint on how and why to become an apostate. Don't forsake a religion because of personal reasons. Forsake a religion because that religion is fallible and not divinely inspired. Forsake a religion because you took the time to research the credibility of that religion and its sacred text.