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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's YOUR Purpose in Life?

You live your life following a daily routine. You're comfortable with your current situation. You have no aspirations or motivation to achieve greater significance or a greater purpose. This is YOUR reality because you have allowed yourself to have no significance or purpose in YOUR life. YOU have allowed YOURSELF to be content with just being average or less than average. YOU have become complacent with no aspirations or motivation to be someone unique. YOU have become complacent with just being a store clerk and not the store manager. YOU have become comfortable with just being at the bottom, not aspiring to be at the top. YOU are just fine with the way things are going in YOUR daily life because YOU don't live with a purpose.

What is YOUR purpose in life? Why do YOU exist? Do YOU exist to think independently, or to be told how to think? Do YOU exist to learn and enlighten YOURSELF, or to be an ignoramus? Do YOU exist to be angry or happy? Do YOU exist to be positive or negative? Do YOU exist to argue and bicker, or to be serene?

Your purpose, or existence; the reason why you are here, is determined by what you think, believe, or feel about YOU! YOUR thoughts influence YOUR existence. Stop blaming others for YOUR current situation. Stop using other people as a scapegoat for YOUR failures or shortcomings.

If YOU believe that you don't know anything and that you need someone else to dictate to you x, y, and z, then that is how you are going to live your life-as a follower, not a leader; as a student, not a teacher; in a church obeying orders from personnel of a pseudo army; that will be YOUR purpose in life. If YOU believe that you can't do x, y, and z, then you will never accomplish that task because YOU made that thought a reality.

What is YOUR purpose in life. Meditate on that query. Ponder on it. Ask yourself, "Why am I here? What is my purpose?" Examine all the things that you do and think daily, then ask yourself, "Is this why I want to live?"

For additional information regarding the power of self, stay posted for the upcoming blog: Gnothi Sauton: Know Yourself and click this link:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Celibacy: Chastity, or Sexual Abnormality?

The significance of this blog is to delve into the dynamics of celibacy and how celibacy promotes abnormal sexual behavior. Some people practice celibacy for different reasons. There are people who are celibate because they were castrated; they will never experience the euphoria of sex. Then there are people who are celibate because they are seeking a certain level of spirituality; they associate sexual abstinence, or chastity, with being more in tune with their spiritual self. Moreover, there are people who are abstinent because of a bias ideology towards sexual relations; for instance, some women cleave to being abstinent because they felt that they were used or mistreated in a relationship and to prevent themselves from being used or mistreated any further, they employ abstinence as a tactic of revenge. This blog will explore the metaphysics of celibacy and illustrate how celibacy leads to a deviant, abnormal sexual lifestyle.

Just about any lexicon will define celibacy as abstention from sexual relations. In other words, these are individuals that do not have sex. They refrain from having sex. They avoid having sex. The question is this: Do these people THINK about having sex? That's the daily double, reader. You will hear of people claiming that they are celibate for whatever reason, but how many of you know that some of these very "celibate" characters actually think about sex and that their "celibate" lifestyle actually encourages sexual abnormalites?

You're probably wondering, "How is there a connection between celibacy and sexual abnormality?" Remember Michael Jackson? As far as anyone can remember, Michael Jackson was asexual, which, in all reality, doesn't make sense at all; look up asexual and it is impossible for Michael Jackson to have been asexual. The correct terminology is celibate. Michael Jackson, as far as we can remember, was a person that practiced celibacy. However, his celibacy lead to him being a pedophile, which is a sexual abnormality; an adult is not supposed to be attracted to children. Regardless of the fact that he was never convicted of child molestation, magazines illustrating child pornography was still found in his possession during his 2006 trial.

Better yet, have you considered Roman Catholic priests? These are men who are celibate because of their spirituality; in their mind, abstaining from sex is bringing them closer to their god, Jesus Christ. They are practicing a form of chastity. Little do we know, Father Flannigan is doing more than just praying for the children of our future; he is also preying on the children of our future (pun intended). He actually likes to play with children's rectum in his rectory (no pun intended). His only goal is to altar the altar boy. His sexual preference for little boys is a sexual abnormality

Then there are celibate Christian black women who swear that they are married to no one but Jesus. They will tell you in a heartbeat, "I'm married to Jesus. Jesus is my husband." Little did our ignorant Christian practitioners know that celibacy also means abstention from a vow of marriage or the state of being married. Nonetheless, as aforementioned with the deviant Catholic priests who seek a level of spirituality, Christian black women will go without having sex for years, claiming that they are celibate, but married to Jesus at the same time (ignorance at its best).

Is it not strange that these same people who claim to be celibate, which is nothing more but refraining or avoiding sex, are actually the same individuals with sex on their minds? Is that not strange? Perhaps to some, but in all reality, it is not strange at all. Sex is a natural experience. What does this mean? This means that it is perfectly normal for a man to have sex. This means that it is perfectly normal for a woman to have sex. There are times when a man's body discharges sperm while asleep. This usually happens when that man has not engaged in sexual relations. While in his sleep, this very man, who has not had sex for whatever amount of time, is actually dreaming about sex; sex is on this man's mind while he is asleep. If you think there are eunuchs that have never thought about sex or never had a wet dream, you are a gullible child. If you think that our chaste, Christian black women are not masturbating because sex is not on their mind, you are naive.

What about  celibate Christian black women who are married to Jesus? They are the same ones who are masturbating behind closed doors! How in the hell can you be chaste, but masturbate at the same time? Something is truly wrong with these types of people. The same goes for women who are celibate just for the hell of it; they, too, are masturbating behind closed doors. They'll tell you, "I haven't been with a man in years. I don't have a problem being alone. I'm single and happy." They promote this celibate lifestyle, but behind closed doors, they're having sex with Bob, better known as a vibrator. Here's where it gets even sicker-there are women who are in relationships and will not have sex with their spouse to be spiteful; yet, they will diligently seek Bob and masturbate-abnormal.

This is nothing more but sexual abnormalities. As human beings, we have hormones and some of them regulate our sexual desires. It is normal for males and females to have an interest in sex. It is normal for a person to experience sexual euphoria. It is not normal for a person to deny oneself of sexual pleasures; abstaining from sex is denying oneself sexual pleasures. Society has proven that some of the people claiming to be celibate, actually have a sexual interest in little boys-abnormality. Society has proven that some of the people who claim celibacy, actually masturbate. How can a person be chaste, but have a sexual interest in lads? How can a person be chaste and masturbate at the same time? How can a person be in a relationship and be "celibate" at the same time? 

It is obvious that abstaining from sex has an abnormal effect on people. More importantly, the sexual abnormalities of being celibate, or chaste, has affected people seeking piety. They have gone astray. They have given in to temptation. They have fallen weak. They developed interest in sex. But instead of having legal sex, they would rather have sex with boys. Instead of finding a partner, they would rather masturbate. Celibacy. Is it a form a chastity, or is it merely a sexual abnormality?