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Monday, January 23, 2012

The RAM Cult: Illuminati Satanists

Rebel Alliance Media (RAM) & The Apostate Commission

The Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI) are a band of superstitious ignoramuses. Actually, “superstitious ignoramuses” is redundant; superstition is defined in the New Merriam-Webster Dictionary as beliefs or practices resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or trust in magic or chance. So let’s scratch the phrase “superstitious ignoramuses” and just use superstitious junkies ( This is not abusive language towards the BHI; this is the absolute truth. They are superstitious junkies. Every faction: ICGJC, GMS, ISUPK, and whatever winkie dink group that didn't make the cut, are superstitious junkies.

 What makes them superstitious? Everything and everyone is wicked. Every other movie is an indirect reference to Israel. Everything is "about Israel" with these junkies. What makes their superstition relevant to this blog? The BHI are superstitious that Rebel Alliance Media (RAM) are Illuminati Satanists; that we sold out to the Devil and became agents for the Illuminati. Others superstitiously believe that we are a cult.

So what is the catalyst behind their misplaced hysteria? Why does RAM make the BHI quiver? Why have BHI adherents wrongfully accuse RAM of being a cult group, Freemasons or Illuminati Satanists? The answer is simple: the BHI ignorantly associate the ram with devil worship.

Proud Apostates Network, Rebel Alliance Media, the Federation of Logic & Reason

There are videos circulating on youtube published by adherents of the BHI community that Rebel Alliance Media, commonly known as RAM, are Illuminati Satanists and a cult. These superstitious junkies take screen shots of the blasphemous Markzman (the Holy Spirit) or His Royal Rudeness (Yahawah) supposedly throwing up Freemason ("Satanic") hand gestures and allege that we are part of the Illuminati based on acronyms such as RAM & PAN or symbolism in our logos. Are we a cult? Are we part of the Illuminati? Do we worship the mythological deity called Satan? Let's hear it from the horse's mouth!

No, RAM is not a cult! By definition, cult means a system of religious worship; admiration of, or devotion to, a person or thing, especially as a form of intellectual snobbery; a passing craze or fashion; a creed or sect (New Webster's Comprehensive Dictionary). We don't fit this definition. Do you believe that we fit this definition? No matter which lexicon you use, you will not see a correlation between cult and RAM. Illuminati means enlightened. Are we enlightened? Yes, but does that mean we are part of some megalomaniac secret society with aspirations of a one world government? No, it does not.  Are individuals that are enlightened nefarious? Are they evil? Are they sinister? No, they are not. Are we Satanists or Freemasons? No, we are not. We do not acknowledge the mythological deity, Satan, to be an actual entity. More importantly, Rebel Alliance Media has no affiliation with any chapter of the Freemasons.

In addition, the Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore & Symbology conveys that the symbology of the ram signifies peace, knowledge, strength, meekness and the sun. In astrology, the ram is the animal that carries the sun through the first sign of the zodiac, which symbolizes the birth of new thought or the dawn of a new era. Rebel Alliance Media, or RAM, symbolizes strength and knowledge. Moreover, RAM symbolizes the sun because we are luminaries. We are enlightened and enlighten others. Our knowledge has illuminated darkened minds.

Do not be ignorant and believe the pervasive rumors that we are a cult. Do not be susceptible to the lies that we are Illuminati agents. Do not entertain the fallacious allegations that we are Satanists or Freemasons. We understand symbology. The question is, "Do YOU understand symbology?". Enlighten yourself. Before reaching misinformed conclusions because you see a ram's head, learn the symbology of the ram. Before reaching misinformed conclusions before you see the acronym PAN, learn what the acronym signifies because ignorantly concluding that RAM worships mythological deity, Pan. Learn. Enlighten yourself. Free yourself from the darkness (ignorance).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

God, Football & Tim Tebow

He's made the cover of Sports Illustrated. Marvel has made a comic attributed to him. Prime Time and Co. chant his name, "Teebbbooowww. Ooooohhhhhhhh. Teeeebbooowwww. Ooooooohhhhh". The accolades of "Tebow Time" are nonstop. Why is Tebow getting all of this attention? Okay-he made a few fourth quarter come-backs and won some over-time games, but does that make him the greatest quarterback of all time? Don't bet your last dollar on it.

TebowMania has nothing to do with the idea of Denver's starting second-string rookie quarterback being a great player. His win against Pittsburgh in the AFC (American Football Conference) wildcard match was his first 300 yard game. Interestingly, he only made ten pass completions!! Moreover, Cam Newton, rookie quarterback for the Carolina Panthers, has thrown more yards and made more completions than Tebow. Furthermore, he's a better quarterback; he can throw the ball further, more accurate, and he runs the ball better. So what's the hype with the former Florida Gators quarterback? What's the hysteria? Tim Tebow is a loud Christian. What does that mean? Tebow can be heard in interviews giving thanks to the Christian god, Jesus Christ. Every chance Tim gets, you best believe, he credits his win with Jesus. Nevermind that one-knee bow he takes after he runs the ball in for a touchdown; people have been taking a one-knee bow in the NFL (National Football League) for decades. TebowMania is a direct result of Christian piety.

Question: What does Jesus have to do with football? What does the NFL and the Denver Broncos have to do with Christian salvation? "I just want to thank my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ . . .", rambles the young quarterback. Are we to believe that Jesus was sitting in heaven, watching the AFC wildcard game on an HDTV flatscreen? Are we to believe that Jesus and Satan made bets; Jesus banked on Denver and Satan took his pick with Big Ben and Pittsburgh? Does the god of the Bible really care about football? Does Tim really believe that the Christian god is behind his wins? Is Tebow that much of a disillusioned Christian that he actually believes that Jesus Christ has influence over who wins games in the NFL? Is he under the impression that if he keeps the commandments, he'll win games, but if he sins, he'll lose games? What is the take with Tim Tebow and his over zealous Christian personality? More importantly, why is the media giving this kid so much camera time? God has nothing to do the NFL and dozens upon dozens of NFL players have taken a knee when scoring touchdowns.

TebowMania is a joke and SNL (Saturday Night Live) did him justice with their satirical sketch.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012: Another Apocalyptic Hoax?

     Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. HAAAAPPPPYYYY NNNEEWWW YYEEEAARRRR!!!!!!

     2012. It is now 2012.  What we do know about 2012? Besides it being the so-called Year of the Israelites (another one of their yearly misomers, i.e. Year of Glory, Year of Recognition, etc.) according to Tazadaqyah and the nefarious ICGJC (Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ), what is 2012? What is the hype? What is the hysteria? What is the popularity with 2012?

     Sadly, 2012 is NOT the Year of the Israelites. In fact, 2012 is not many things. In the context of this blog, 2012 is NOT the end of the world!! There isn't any evidence to support that the world will not come to an end some time this year. On the flip side, there isn't any evidence to support that the world will come to an end some time this year. Nonetheless, 2012 is not the end of the world and this is written with great assertion. There are many reasons why 2012 is not the end of the world. One of them being the obvious: 2012 is just Another Apocalyptic Hoax.

     Let us ponder to a prominent apocalyptic hoax of our time: Y2K. How many of you remember the Y2K apocalypse frenzy? It was 1999 and the world was dawning to the year 2, 000. It was alleged that computers would crash and that humanity would return to its premitive state. People emptied out their bank accounts. Some quit their jobs. Others bought water and canned goods in abundance. Accordingly, the "world was coming to an end". Misguided religious groups and false prophets evangelized the Second Coming of Jesus by the year 2, 000. In fact, one alleged prophet who is erroneously called the God Sent Comforter, while at the same time, is mistakenly called Apostle & Chief High Priest Tazadaqyah, but should properly be called Jermaine Grant, has made the error of stating Jesus' Second Coming by the year 2, 000; this is something that the malignant ICGJC  gloried in during that era-that "black Jesus Christ would return and the white man would go into slavery". If there is any doubt that a "man of God" or a religious organization could make such a novice error, press play and watch the video.

     Essentially, that is what signified the Y2K apocalyptic hoax-fear, confusion and lies. 12 years later, that same circus-like atmosphere has resurfaced to haunt gullible and naive minds. As a result of the Mayans' prophecy, the idea that the world is coming to an end has plagued the minds of many once again. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes. The media and Hollywood has endorsed this lie; news and television broadcasts promoted the Mayans' fallacious prediction of catastrophic 2012, embedding in the minds of the feeble and easily influenced that the world will end come 2012. Not to mention 2012 and its propaganda; people actually exhibited fear and sorrow while watching a fictional perspective of the Mayans' miscalculated prediction. 

     The fear, the confusion and the lies will only exist if you give them life. For those of you who are afraid that there will be a Day of Darkness in 2012; for those of you who are confused and aren't certain on whether to live your life as you normally would; for those of you that are gullible and allow such lies to have an impact on your life; for all of you that are guilty of allowing the fear, the confusion and the lies to manipulate and have power over your lives, think back to the Y2K hoax and the frenzy it created. Ponder on how people relinquished their possessions ignorantly. Reflect on how people lived in fear and uncertainty. Think as far back as 12 years ago, when it was believed that the world would come to an end and ask yourself, "Is 2012 just another apocalyptic hoax?"