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Monday, January 23, 2012

The RAM Cult: Illuminati Satanists

Rebel Alliance Media (RAM) & The Apostate Commission

The Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI) are a band of superstitious ignoramuses. Actually, “superstitious ignoramuses” is redundant; superstition is defined in the New Merriam-Webster Dictionary as beliefs or practices resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or trust in magic or chance. So let’s scratch the phrase “superstitious ignoramuses” and just use superstitious junkies ( This is not abusive language towards the BHI; this is the absolute truth. They are superstitious junkies. Every faction: ICGJC, GMS, ISUPK, and whatever winkie dink group that didn't make the cut, are superstitious junkies.

 What makes them superstitious? Everything and everyone is wicked. Every other movie is an indirect reference to Israel. Everything is "about Israel" with these junkies. What makes their superstition relevant to this blog? The BHI are superstitious that Rebel Alliance Media (RAM) are Illuminati Satanists; that we sold out to the Devil and became agents for the Illuminati. Others superstitiously believe that we are a cult.

So what is the catalyst behind their misplaced hysteria? Why does RAM make the BHI quiver? Why have BHI adherents wrongfully accuse RAM of being a cult group, Freemasons or Illuminati Satanists? The answer is simple: the BHI ignorantly associate the ram with devil worship.

Proud Apostates Network, Rebel Alliance Media, the Federation of Logic & Reason

There are videos circulating on youtube published by adherents of the BHI community that Rebel Alliance Media, commonly known as RAM, are Illuminati Satanists and a cult. These superstitious junkies take screen shots of the blasphemous Markzman (the Holy Spirit) or His Royal Rudeness (Yahawah) supposedly throwing up Freemason ("Satanic") hand gestures and allege that we are part of the Illuminati based on acronyms such as RAM & PAN or symbolism in our logos. Are we a cult? Are we part of the Illuminati? Do we worship the mythological deity called Satan? Let's hear it from the horse's mouth!

No, RAM is not a cult! By definition, cult means a system of religious worship; admiration of, or devotion to, a person or thing, especially as a form of intellectual snobbery; a passing craze or fashion; a creed or sect (New Webster's Comprehensive Dictionary). We don't fit this definition. Do you believe that we fit this definition? No matter which lexicon you use, you will not see a correlation between cult and RAM. Illuminati means enlightened. Are we enlightened? Yes, but does that mean we are part of some megalomaniac secret society with aspirations of a one world government? No, it does not.  Are individuals that are enlightened nefarious? Are they evil? Are they sinister? No, they are not. Are we Satanists or Freemasons? No, we are not. We do not acknowledge the mythological deity, Satan, to be an actual entity. More importantly, Rebel Alliance Media has no affiliation with any chapter of the Freemasons.

In addition, the Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore & Symbology conveys that the symbology of the ram signifies peace, knowledge, strength, meekness and the sun. In astrology, the ram is the animal that carries the sun through the first sign of the zodiac, which symbolizes the birth of new thought or the dawn of a new era. Rebel Alliance Media, or RAM, symbolizes strength and knowledge. Moreover, RAM symbolizes the sun because we are luminaries. We are enlightened and enlighten others. Our knowledge has illuminated darkened minds.

Do not be ignorant and believe the pervasive rumors that we are a cult. Do not be susceptible to the lies that we are Illuminati agents. Do not entertain the fallacious allegations that we are Satanists or Freemasons. We understand symbology. The question is, "Do YOU understand symbology?". Enlighten yourself. Before reaching misinformed conclusions because you see a ram's head, learn the symbology of the ram. Before reaching misinformed conclusions before you see the acronym PAN, learn what the acronym signifies because ignorantly concluding that RAM worships mythological deity, Pan. Learn. Enlighten yourself. Free yourself from the darkness (ignorance).


  1. i don't like chickn

  2. I command you, unclean spirit, whoever you are, along with all your minions now attacking this servant of God, by the mysteries of the incarnation, passion, resurrection, and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, by the descent of the Holy Spirit, by the coming of our Lord for judgment, that you tell me by some sign your name, and the day and hour of your departure. I command you, moreover, to obey me to the letter, I who am a minister of God despite my unworthiness; nor shall you be emboldened to harm in any way this creature of God, or the bystanders, or any of their possessions.
