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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No Division Among You

      Estimately, there are 2.1 billion Christians worldwide. Now if we take these numbers and compare them to the amount of Christians living during Rome circa 4th century, one must admit that this is a monumental figure. One might even conclude that Christianity has triumphed. Christianity has gone from secretly meeting in catacombs to becoming the world's largest religion. This is impressive. Most impressive. A religion that was influenced by Mystery religions is now the dominate Mystery religion. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear. BUT . . . is Christianity victorious? Has Christianity proven itself to be the religion of choice? Is the god of the Christians the God of gods because of numbers? Does 2.1 billion Christian adherents make Christianity the true religion?

     For those of you who live by "every word of God" and believe that Christianity is indeed that true religion because of numbers, let me remind you of I Corinthians. Your great Apostle Paul addresses division. He speaks of the church being in unison- "speaking the same thing". For a cross reference, open your New Testament to I Cor. 1:10 and there, you will read with your two eyes that the Church of Christ must not have any divisions; that there must be unity or oneness. Yes, there are 2.1 billion Christians; however, where is the unity? Why are they divided? Why are there 100 different Protestant denominations?
     Since the Church began, there was never any unity. The Church has never spoken the same thing. Do some research. Investigate the different councils that were held and you will conclude that there has always been division amongst the "body of Christ". There was divison regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. There was division regarding when Easter should be observed. There was division regarding the nature of Mary. There was division regarding the canonization of certain texts. How is Christianity the religion of religions, if they can't even agree on the nature of their deity, or what text was divinely inspired? Research Christian history. Look up Christian figures such as Pope St. Victor I, Emperor Constantine, or Bishop Nestorius and the dissension that they were involved in regarding Christian dogma.
      Amazingly, Christianity is at 2.1 billion followers. BUT . . . are these followers apart of one denomination? Are these adherents in agreement on certain tenets such as the Trinity and Hell? Are they in agreement on certain customs such as Christmas and Easter? The answer to these questions is No. Schism is Jesus' middle name. It is because of the Church's many schisms, that Christianity is divided into three sects: Catholicism, Greek Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Within each sect, there are dogmas the differ from the next; yet, they believe in the same Christ. How is this possible? How can two individuals believe in the same Jesus, but have different views on that Jesus? Is this not contrary to the "divine" word of God?
     Let there be no division among you. Christendom has shown us that there is too much division among the Christians. This division has led to the deaths of hundreds. This division has led to demise of friendships and marriages. I lie to you not. Friends are no longer friends because of schismatic beliefs in Jesus. Marriages dismantle because of schismatic beliefs in Jesus. Do yourself a favor, the next time you're on Google, type in The Great Schism. If you're a Roman Catholic, type in The Western Schism. How do you take pride in being a Christian if you do not know Christian history? Learn your history. Learn about the Schisms. Learn about the Reformation. Then ask yourself, "Why isn't Christianity speaking the same thing?"
Kristos Helios, the YHWH

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