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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No Division Among You

      Estimately, there are 2.1 billion Christians worldwide. Now if we take these numbers and compare them to the amount of Christians living during Rome circa 4th century, one must admit that this is a monumental figure. One might even conclude that Christianity has triumphed. Christianity has gone from secretly meeting in catacombs to becoming the world's largest religion. This is impressive. Most impressive. A religion that was influenced by Mystery religions is now the dominate Mystery religion. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear. BUT . . . is Christianity victorious? Has Christianity proven itself to be the religion of choice? Is the god of the Christians the God of gods because of numbers? Does 2.1 billion Christian adherents make Christianity the true religion?

     For those of you who live by "every word of God" and believe that Christianity is indeed that true religion because of numbers, let me remind you of I Corinthians. Your great Apostle Paul addresses division. He speaks of the church being in unison- "speaking the same thing". For a cross reference, open your New Testament to I Cor. 1:10 and there, you will read with your two eyes that the Church of Christ must not have any divisions; that there must be unity or oneness. Yes, there are 2.1 billion Christians; however, where is the unity? Why are they divided? Why are there 100 different Protestant denominations?
     Since the Church began, there was never any unity. The Church has never spoken the same thing. Do some research. Investigate the different councils that were held and you will conclude that there has always been division amongst the "body of Christ". There was divison regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. There was division regarding when Easter should be observed. There was division regarding the nature of Mary. There was division regarding the canonization of certain texts. How is Christianity the religion of religions, if they can't even agree on the nature of their deity, or what text was divinely inspired? Research Christian history. Look up Christian figures such as Pope St. Victor I, Emperor Constantine, or Bishop Nestorius and the dissension that they were involved in regarding Christian dogma.
      Amazingly, Christianity is at 2.1 billion followers. BUT . . . are these followers apart of one denomination? Are these adherents in agreement on certain tenets such as the Trinity and Hell? Are they in agreement on certain customs such as Christmas and Easter? The answer to these questions is No. Schism is Jesus' middle name. It is because of the Church's many schisms, that Christianity is divided into three sects: Catholicism, Greek Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Within each sect, there are dogmas the differ from the next; yet, they believe in the same Christ. How is this possible? How can two individuals believe in the same Jesus, but have different views on that Jesus? Is this not contrary to the "divine" word of God?
     Let there be no division among you. Christendom has shown us that there is too much division among the Christians. This division has led to the deaths of hundreds. This division has led to demise of friendships and marriages. I lie to you not. Friends are no longer friends because of schismatic beliefs in Jesus. Marriages dismantle because of schismatic beliefs in Jesus. Do yourself a favor, the next time you're on Google, type in The Great Schism. If you're a Roman Catholic, type in The Western Schism. How do you take pride in being a Christian if you do not know Christian history? Learn your history. Learn about the Schisms. Learn about the Reformation. Then ask yourself, "Why isn't Christianity speaking the same thing?"
Kristos Helios, the YHWH

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Now why be Christian or Jew
When both flukes are clearly plagiarists?
Love wealth, love myself-
That makes me a Satanist?
You insist I'm an atheist;
Ignorance at its best.
Flag blogs, flag videos;
Damn, you're such a pest.
Rest? Don't do that much.
Be poor for what,
Just to go to heaven?
Peter could close the doors shut.
I'd rather slap the reverend,
Take his tithes and spend his bucks.
Yes, I know-that's nuts.
But I don't give a . . . 
Don't need a reason;
Chief Demon,
Leader of the Rebels.
Nightmares while you're sleeping;
Been dreaming of the Devil?
"Lucifer", Morning Star.
Eat the fruit;
I'm warning y'all.
Prophet? Stop it.
Gnostic? I'm more than God.
I'm the Universe;
Thoughts become reality.
Peons- doubt I'm an Eon?
Don't understand Immortality?
Let the dumb be dumb.
The dogs will eat the crumbs.
Learn another language if you want to speak in tongues.


Rebel Alliance Media: You Are Not Ready

Sunday, May 20, 2012

No Other Gods But Me

Within the Mosaic Law, we find an absurd ordinance.  In fact, this illogical ordinance surfaces frequently in Biblical literature. Throughout the Bible, we read that when this asinine ordinance is disobeyed, it angers the “Lord God of Israel”. We read of the Judeo-Christian god being provoked to anger and becoming jealous when this ordinance is violated. We read of the “God of gods” rendering jealousy for jealousy by making his people, the “children of Israel”, jealous by putting another people over them for committing this horrendous crime.

This ordinance is so important to the Hebrew god that it takes preeminence over all other commandments.  The “Ten Commandments” begin with the first commandment-“Thou shalt have no other gods before me”. This means that this commandment is of great importance. By no means, are the “children of Israel” to worship other gods; this is a major offense to the god of the Bible because the “Most High God” has feelings, too. Just as he experiences anger, he experiences pain and humiliation. If any of you ever had an unfaithful spouse, more than likely, you empathize with the god of the Bible; he likens the worship of other gods with adultery.

But what makes this commandment ridiculous? What makes this ordinance stupid? How does this commandment expose the god of the Bible as a powerless god? Naturally, any god would not like the idea of competition. This is what the Israelites’ god is doing-he is enforcing that he gets all the recognition and his competition gets as little as possible. He is acknowledging that there are other gods, just don’t go worshiping them. Now this is where the problem emerges, reader.  Ask yourself this rudimentary question, “If I was the God of gods, would I allow other gods to exist?”

This is what makes the god of the Bible a joke. This is what makes the god of the Bible powerless.  The accepted maxim concerning this god is that he’s Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. How is a god that is “all-powerful” incompetent of destroying inferior deities? Oh, yes, you’re right! He wants to test Israel’s faith! If you’re insisting that the “Almighty God” allowed these inferior gods, who “are no gods”, to exist because he wanted to test Israel’s faith, you need to be drug tested.

The reality of the matter is this: if you’re the Supreme Being that is all-powerful, you’re not allowing any other god to exist. PERIOD! If you’re all-knowing, that means that you know when someone is fashioning an idol and you have the power to either destroy that person or that idol. Case closed. As a defense mechanism, you’re probably thinking, “What about Zeus and the other gods of Olympus?” You forgot one thing: the other gods of Olympus are Zeus’ kin. What’s the god of the Hebrews excuse? Instead of zapping Baal, Molec, or any god of the nations, he gives them a pass, but punishes Israel. In Deuteronomy 7:5, the god of Israel instructs his people to utterly destroy the idols of seven nations. If the “God of Israel” was truly the “Almighty God”, why not show his might and eradicate these gods himself? Within Bel and the Dragon , we read of a ping pong match between Daniel and king Astyages on whether or not Bel is a living god. Couldn’t the “Lord God of Daniel” have destroyed Bel, its temple along with its priests, to definitively show Astyages who was the mightier God? There are endless scenarios in Biblical literature where the “Almighty God” does not show his power concerning idolatry. Why go through the emotions and stress worrying about other gods getting their props when he can easily obliterate these inferior gods? It doesn’t make sense.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

What's Your State of Consciousness?

Rebel Alliance Media: State of Consciousness

Where are you mentally? What’s your frame of mind? What are your thoughts regarding life? More importantly, what are your thoughts regarding your life? What do you think of yourself? Do you even think at all? If so, do you consider the power of your thoughts? Do you consider that your thoughts are energy? What exactly is your state of consciousness?

Based on your state of consciousness, or the way you think, your thoughts will impact your life significantly. What does this mean? This means that your thoughts act as a catalyst for what goes on in your life. The way you feel, behave, and what you accomplish in life, are all directly connected to your thoughts. For instance, the reason why you feel unattractive is because you think you are unattractive. As a result, your thoughts are manifested by your actions and eventually, you develop low self-esteem and become depressed. Individuals that experience low self-esteem and depression are not motivated. They do not have any goals or aspirations; therefore, they have accomplished little.

What’s your state of consciousness? What’s your frame of mind? What is your thought process? Are your thoughts positive or are they negative? Are you a goal-oriented person? Do you have aspirations? Are you motivated to get things done? These queries are posed because there are people who employ scapegoat tactics-they will blame the “devil white man” or “Biblical curses” for their current condition. The only element that is barricading them from success and prosperity is their thoughts; it’s their state of consciousness.

You are acquainted with proverbial sayings such as, “You can do whatever you put your mind to”, or the Bible’s “As a man thinketh, so is he”. It is important to understand that your thoughts have power and are full of energy. The brain generates biochemical and electromagnetic activity-thoughts. An electroencephalography (EEG) machine is able to see this activity and records these frequencies as waves. There are two types of energy: kinetic and potential. Kinetic energy is energy that moves and potential energy is energy that is stationary. Since thoughts are electromagnetic, this means that they contain energy (kinetic). Anything that acts as a magnet has the ability to attract. This means if you think positive, you will attract positivity. If you think negative, you will attract negativity. Understand that the type of thoughts that you emit into the Cosmos affect you drastically. Consequently, if you put your mind to accomplishing a goal, you can get it done. As it's said, "The mind is a terrible thing to waste"..

In having saying this, what’s your state of consciousness? What is your thought process? What do you think of yourself? Are you a slave because you’re being told so, or are you a slave because you think so? Are you cursed because you’re being told so, or are you cursed because you think so? Are you mortal because you’re being told so, or are you mortal because you think so? You are what you think. The time has come for you to evolve mentally. You are the God and Creator of what transpires in your life. Your thoughts are power. Your thoughts are energy. Know and understand this and change your State of Consciousness.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

RAM: The Way, The Truth, The Light

Rebel Alliance Media: The Way, The Truth, The Light

The Way. The Truth. The Light. What makes RAM the Way, the Truth, the Light and not Islam? What determines RAM as the method or means for achieving a goal? Why should you fashion your manner of living, thought, and spirituality after RAM and not Judaism, or Christianity. RAM is the way because RAM'S philosophy embodies the universal conquest sought by Jews, Christians, and Muslims-the reformation and perfection of the Interior Self. More importanlty, you do not have to make monetary investments to acquire this apotheosis at RAM, purchase $400 garments, or attend liturgy on Easter; however, tithes, priest fund, benevolent offerings and alms is a mandatory misfortune if you're a Baptist, a Black Hebrew Israelite, or a Catholic.

Nonetheless, the ignorant subscribe to the idea that one can only achieve apotheosis through a religious denomination's faith, liturgy, and prayer. The aforementioned religious denominations are intolerant of others and they will assert that their way is the only way to spiritual enlightenment. However, the esotericist acknowledges that the path to spiritual enlightenment does not commence with an established religion, but with Self-the Interior Self. The word esotericism has its origins from the Greek esoteros, which means inner. An esotericist is not merely a person that has acquired hidden information or knowledge, but is also a person  that is concerned with the Inner Self through special knowledge or gnosis, to attain a form of enlightenment and invidividual salvation-one does not need Christianity or Islam to achieve this accomplishment. While it is true that esoteric information is found in each reach religion, one does not need to subscribe to a specific to apotheosize the Interior Self.

Again, there is esotericism in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; nevertheless, these are just aspects of a broad spectrum of knowledge. If you are seeking the supreme Logos; if you are on a quest for the Absolute; if you wish to become wise, divine, and achieve a power of great magnitue, you must learn and study all the aspects of this knowledge, not just the narrow, dogmatic, theosophical point of view of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam. RAM is the Way to learn this knowledge-the knowledge to reform and perfect the Interior Self. RAM has the Truth to learn this knowledge- the knowledge to become divine; to become a god. RAM is the Light to learn this knowledge-the knowledge to become one with the Absolute. RAM is The Way, The Truth, and The Light.

For additional information on esotericism, visit:

Rebel Alliance Media: Gnosis, Illuminism, Logos


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

To Blaspheme His Name, And His Tabernacle

The YHWH, the One to love, the One to hate; His Royal Rudeness, K.O.C.
Let's be honest with ourselves-the fear of the Lord no longer exists on the Earth. In fact, the fear of the Lord never existed. Since the days of Genesis, there was no "fear of the Lord". For those of you that subscribe to Judeo-Christian literature (Bible) as divine truth, where was the fear of the Lord in the Garden of Eden? Where was the fear of the Lord when Cain murdered Abel? During the days of Noah, Biblical literature states that the Biblical god became distraught because wickedness had abounded; the god of the Bible was in a state of depression. He experienced grief and heartache for creating humanity because the only thing his creation thought of doing was evil.

Not only is the fear of the Lord void when it comes to us nonbelievers-the heathen, the reprobates, the sinners, and the god-forsaken, it is also absent in the daily lives of they that believe in and worship the Lord God of the Hebrews. Consider the clergy of the Roman Catholic church, a society of pedophiles, perverts and predators. Although they teach from the Bible and believe in the god of the Bible, they commit one of the most abominable acts that their god condemns. Where is the fear of the Lord? How can one be a priest of the Church, adorn oneself in holy garb and conduct liturgy, while at the same time prey on young boys to commit sodomy?  No fear of the Lord.

Let us not forget the holy rollers of Prosperity Evangelism. In the name of Jesus, these ministers, reverends, pastors, and bishops, have made evangelism a lucrative vocation. They will stand before you at the pulpit and place much emphasis on how you can acquire prosperity-at the expense of your wallet! They will assure you that God wants you to be blessed; that he wants you to live a financially prosperous life. They will vehemently tell you that you have to give to receive; that the windows of heaven will open and bless you if you "keep the Lord's house running". Meanwhile, these very ecclesiastical figures are wearing expensive suits, flying in lier jets, owners of expensive homes and authors of unprofitable literature-all at your expense! They will have you believe that it is their god that is pouring out these material blessings. However, they know that they have become wealthy due to your ignorance. Again, they do all of this in the name of Jesus. Where is the fear of the Lord?

There is no fear of the Lord. If his ecclesiastical ambassadors don't fear him, how much more his creation that refuse to believe in and worship him? Blasphemy towards the god of the Bible has always been; however, it will never deter, but augment into a "devious" lifestyle, a lifestyle that illustrates that living in fear of fire and brimstone is futile.

Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, from the days of Adam until now, the fear of the Lord was not.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's YOUR Purpose in Life?

You live your life following a daily routine. You're comfortable with your current situation. You have no aspirations or motivation to achieve greater significance or a greater purpose. This is YOUR reality because you have allowed yourself to have no significance or purpose in YOUR life. YOU have allowed YOURSELF to be content with just being average or less than average. YOU have become complacent with no aspirations or motivation to be someone unique. YOU have become complacent with just being a store clerk and not the store manager. YOU have become comfortable with just being at the bottom, not aspiring to be at the top. YOU are just fine with the way things are going in YOUR daily life because YOU don't live with a purpose.

What is YOUR purpose in life? Why do YOU exist? Do YOU exist to think independently, or to be told how to think? Do YOU exist to learn and enlighten YOURSELF, or to be an ignoramus? Do YOU exist to be angry or happy? Do YOU exist to be positive or negative? Do YOU exist to argue and bicker, or to be serene?

Your purpose, or existence; the reason why you are here, is determined by what you think, believe, or feel about YOU! YOUR thoughts influence YOUR existence. Stop blaming others for YOUR current situation. Stop using other people as a scapegoat for YOUR failures or shortcomings.

If YOU believe that you don't know anything and that you need someone else to dictate to you x, y, and z, then that is how you are going to live your life-as a follower, not a leader; as a student, not a teacher; in a church obeying orders from personnel of a pseudo army; that will be YOUR purpose in life. If YOU believe that you can't do x, y, and z, then you will never accomplish that task because YOU made that thought a reality.

What is YOUR purpose in life. Meditate on that query. Ponder on it. Ask yourself, "Why am I here? What is my purpose?" Examine all the things that you do and think daily, then ask yourself, "Is this why I want to live?"

For additional information regarding the power of self, stay posted for the upcoming blog: Gnothi Sauton: Know Yourself and click this link:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Celibacy: Chastity, or Sexual Abnormality?

The significance of this blog is to delve into the dynamics of celibacy and how celibacy promotes abnormal sexual behavior. Some people practice celibacy for different reasons. There are people who are celibate because they were castrated; they will never experience the euphoria of sex. Then there are people who are celibate because they are seeking a certain level of spirituality; they associate sexual abstinence, or chastity, with being more in tune with their spiritual self. Moreover, there are people who are abstinent because of a bias ideology towards sexual relations; for instance, some women cleave to being abstinent because they felt that they were used or mistreated in a relationship and to prevent themselves from being used or mistreated any further, they employ abstinence as a tactic of revenge. This blog will explore the metaphysics of celibacy and illustrate how celibacy leads to a deviant, abnormal sexual lifestyle.

Just about any lexicon will define celibacy as abstention from sexual relations. In other words, these are individuals that do not have sex. They refrain from having sex. They avoid having sex. The question is this: Do these people THINK about having sex? That's the daily double, reader. You will hear of people claiming that they are celibate for whatever reason, but how many of you know that some of these very "celibate" characters actually think about sex and that their "celibate" lifestyle actually encourages sexual abnormalites?

You're probably wondering, "How is there a connection between celibacy and sexual abnormality?" Remember Michael Jackson? As far as anyone can remember, Michael Jackson was asexual, which, in all reality, doesn't make sense at all; look up asexual and it is impossible for Michael Jackson to have been asexual. The correct terminology is celibate. Michael Jackson, as far as we can remember, was a person that practiced celibacy. However, his celibacy lead to him being a pedophile, which is a sexual abnormality; an adult is not supposed to be attracted to children. Regardless of the fact that he was never convicted of child molestation, magazines illustrating child pornography was still found in his possession during his 2006 trial.

Better yet, have you considered Roman Catholic priests? These are men who are celibate because of their spirituality; in their mind, abstaining from sex is bringing them closer to their god, Jesus Christ. They are practicing a form of chastity. Little do we know, Father Flannigan is doing more than just praying for the children of our future; he is also preying on the children of our future (pun intended). He actually likes to play with children's rectum in his rectory (no pun intended). His only goal is to altar the altar boy. His sexual preference for little boys is a sexual abnormality

Then there are celibate Christian black women who swear that they are married to no one but Jesus. They will tell you in a heartbeat, "I'm married to Jesus. Jesus is my husband." Little did our ignorant Christian practitioners know that celibacy also means abstention from a vow of marriage or the state of being married. Nonetheless, as aforementioned with the deviant Catholic priests who seek a level of spirituality, Christian black women will go without having sex for years, claiming that they are celibate, but married to Jesus at the same time (ignorance at its best).

Is it not strange that these same people who claim to be celibate, which is nothing more but refraining or avoiding sex, are actually the same individuals with sex on their minds? Is that not strange? Perhaps to some, but in all reality, it is not strange at all. Sex is a natural experience. What does this mean? This means that it is perfectly normal for a man to have sex. This means that it is perfectly normal for a woman to have sex. There are times when a man's body discharges sperm while asleep. This usually happens when that man has not engaged in sexual relations. While in his sleep, this very man, who has not had sex for whatever amount of time, is actually dreaming about sex; sex is on this man's mind while he is asleep. If you think there are eunuchs that have never thought about sex or never had a wet dream, you are a gullible child. If you think that our chaste, Christian black women are not masturbating because sex is not on their mind, you are naive.

What about  celibate Christian black women who are married to Jesus? They are the same ones who are masturbating behind closed doors! How in the hell can you be chaste, but masturbate at the same time? Something is truly wrong with these types of people. The same goes for women who are celibate just for the hell of it; they, too, are masturbating behind closed doors. They'll tell you, "I haven't been with a man in years. I don't have a problem being alone. I'm single and happy." They promote this celibate lifestyle, but behind closed doors, they're having sex with Bob, better known as a vibrator. Here's where it gets even sicker-there are women who are in relationships and will not have sex with their spouse to be spiteful; yet, they will diligently seek Bob and masturbate-abnormal.

This is nothing more but sexual abnormalities. As human beings, we have hormones and some of them regulate our sexual desires. It is normal for males and females to have an interest in sex. It is normal for a person to experience sexual euphoria. It is not normal for a person to deny oneself of sexual pleasures; abstaining from sex is denying oneself sexual pleasures. Society has proven that some of the people claiming to be celibate, actually have a sexual interest in little boys-abnormality. Society has proven that some of the people who claim celibacy, actually masturbate. How can a person be chaste, but have a sexual interest in lads? How can a person be chaste and masturbate at the same time? How can a person be in a relationship and be "celibate" at the same time? 

It is obvious that abstaining from sex has an abnormal effect on people. More importantly, the sexual abnormalities of being celibate, or chaste, has affected people seeking piety. They have gone astray. They have given in to temptation. They have fallen weak. They developed interest in sex. But instead of having legal sex, they would rather have sex with boys. Instead of finding a partner, they would rather masturbate. Celibacy. Is it a form a chastity, or is it merely a sexual abnormality?

Monday, January 23, 2012

The RAM Cult: Illuminati Satanists

Rebel Alliance Media (RAM) & The Apostate Commission

The Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI) are a band of superstitious ignoramuses. Actually, “superstitious ignoramuses” is redundant; superstition is defined in the New Merriam-Webster Dictionary as beliefs or practices resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or trust in magic or chance. So let’s scratch the phrase “superstitious ignoramuses” and just use superstitious junkies ( This is not abusive language towards the BHI; this is the absolute truth. They are superstitious junkies. Every faction: ICGJC, GMS, ISUPK, and whatever winkie dink group that didn't make the cut, are superstitious junkies.

 What makes them superstitious? Everything and everyone is wicked. Every other movie is an indirect reference to Israel. Everything is "about Israel" with these junkies. What makes their superstition relevant to this blog? The BHI are superstitious that Rebel Alliance Media (RAM) are Illuminati Satanists; that we sold out to the Devil and became agents for the Illuminati. Others superstitiously believe that we are a cult.

So what is the catalyst behind their misplaced hysteria? Why does RAM make the BHI quiver? Why have BHI adherents wrongfully accuse RAM of being a cult group, Freemasons or Illuminati Satanists? The answer is simple: the BHI ignorantly associate the ram with devil worship.

Proud Apostates Network, Rebel Alliance Media, the Federation of Logic & Reason

There are videos circulating on youtube published by adherents of the BHI community that Rebel Alliance Media, commonly known as RAM, are Illuminati Satanists and a cult. These superstitious junkies take screen shots of the blasphemous Markzman (the Holy Spirit) or His Royal Rudeness (Yahawah) supposedly throwing up Freemason ("Satanic") hand gestures and allege that we are part of the Illuminati based on acronyms such as RAM & PAN or symbolism in our logos. Are we a cult? Are we part of the Illuminati? Do we worship the mythological deity called Satan? Let's hear it from the horse's mouth!

No, RAM is not a cult! By definition, cult means a system of religious worship; admiration of, or devotion to, a person or thing, especially as a form of intellectual snobbery; a passing craze or fashion; a creed or sect (New Webster's Comprehensive Dictionary). We don't fit this definition. Do you believe that we fit this definition? No matter which lexicon you use, you will not see a correlation between cult and RAM. Illuminati means enlightened. Are we enlightened? Yes, but does that mean we are part of some megalomaniac secret society with aspirations of a one world government? No, it does not.  Are individuals that are enlightened nefarious? Are they evil? Are they sinister? No, they are not. Are we Satanists or Freemasons? No, we are not. We do not acknowledge the mythological deity, Satan, to be an actual entity. More importantly, Rebel Alliance Media has no affiliation with any chapter of the Freemasons.

In addition, the Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore & Symbology conveys that the symbology of the ram signifies peace, knowledge, strength, meekness and the sun. In astrology, the ram is the animal that carries the sun through the first sign of the zodiac, which symbolizes the birth of new thought or the dawn of a new era. Rebel Alliance Media, or RAM, symbolizes strength and knowledge. Moreover, RAM symbolizes the sun because we are luminaries. We are enlightened and enlighten others. Our knowledge has illuminated darkened minds.

Do not be ignorant and believe the pervasive rumors that we are a cult. Do not be susceptible to the lies that we are Illuminati agents. Do not entertain the fallacious allegations that we are Satanists or Freemasons. We understand symbology. The question is, "Do YOU understand symbology?". Enlighten yourself. Before reaching misinformed conclusions because you see a ram's head, learn the symbology of the ram. Before reaching misinformed conclusions before you see the acronym PAN, learn what the acronym signifies because ignorantly concluding that RAM worships mythological deity, Pan. Learn. Enlighten yourself. Free yourself from the darkness (ignorance).

Thursday, January 12, 2012

God, Football & Tim Tebow

He's made the cover of Sports Illustrated. Marvel has made a comic attributed to him. Prime Time and Co. chant his name, "Teebbbooowww. Ooooohhhhhhhh. Teeeebbooowwww. Ooooooohhhhh". The accolades of "Tebow Time" are nonstop. Why is Tebow getting all of this attention? Okay-he made a few fourth quarter come-backs and won some over-time games, but does that make him the greatest quarterback of all time? Don't bet your last dollar on it.

TebowMania has nothing to do with the idea of Denver's starting second-string rookie quarterback being a great player. His win against Pittsburgh in the AFC (American Football Conference) wildcard match was his first 300 yard game. Interestingly, he only made ten pass completions!! Moreover, Cam Newton, rookie quarterback for the Carolina Panthers, has thrown more yards and made more completions than Tebow. Furthermore, he's a better quarterback; he can throw the ball further, more accurate, and he runs the ball better. So what's the hype with the former Florida Gators quarterback? What's the hysteria? Tim Tebow is a loud Christian. What does that mean? Tebow can be heard in interviews giving thanks to the Christian god, Jesus Christ. Every chance Tim gets, you best believe, he credits his win with Jesus. Nevermind that one-knee bow he takes after he runs the ball in for a touchdown; people have been taking a one-knee bow in the NFL (National Football League) for decades. TebowMania is a direct result of Christian piety.

Question: What does Jesus have to do with football? What does the NFL and the Denver Broncos have to do with Christian salvation? "I just want to thank my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ . . .", rambles the young quarterback. Are we to believe that Jesus was sitting in heaven, watching the AFC wildcard game on an HDTV flatscreen? Are we to believe that Jesus and Satan made bets; Jesus banked on Denver and Satan took his pick with Big Ben and Pittsburgh? Does the god of the Bible really care about football? Does Tim really believe that the Christian god is behind his wins? Is Tebow that much of a disillusioned Christian that he actually believes that Jesus Christ has influence over who wins games in the NFL? Is he under the impression that if he keeps the commandments, he'll win games, but if he sins, he'll lose games? What is the take with Tim Tebow and his over zealous Christian personality? More importantly, why is the media giving this kid so much camera time? God has nothing to do the NFL and dozens upon dozens of NFL players have taken a knee when scoring touchdowns.

TebowMania is a joke and SNL (Saturday Night Live) did him justice with their satirical sketch.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012: Another Apocalyptic Hoax?

     Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. HAAAAPPPPYYYY NNNEEWWW YYEEEAARRRR!!!!!!

     2012. It is now 2012.  What we do know about 2012? Besides it being the so-called Year of the Israelites (another one of their yearly misomers, i.e. Year of Glory, Year of Recognition, etc.) according to Tazadaqyah and the nefarious ICGJC (Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ), what is 2012? What is the hype? What is the hysteria? What is the popularity with 2012?

     Sadly, 2012 is NOT the Year of the Israelites. In fact, 2012 is not many things. In the context of this blog, 2012 is NOT the end of the world!! There isn't any evidence to support that the world will not come to an end some time this year. On the flip side, there isn't any evidence to support that the world will come to an end some time this year. Nonetheless, 2012 is not the end of the world and this is written with great assertion. There are many reasons why 2012 is not the end of the world. One of them being the obvious: 2012 is just Another Apocalyptic Hoax.

     Let us ponder to a prominent apocalyptic hoax of our time: Y2K. How many of you remember the Y2K apocalypse frenzy? It was 1999 and the world was dawning to the year 2, 000. It was alleged that computers would crash and that humanity would return to its premitive state. People emptied out their bank accounts. Some quit their jobs. Others bought water and canned goods in abundance. Accordingly, the "world was coming to an end". Misguided religious groups and false prophets evangelized the Second Coming of Jesus by the year 2, 000. In fact, one alleged prophet who is erroneously called the God Sent Comforter, while at the same time, is mistakenly called Apostle & Chief High Priest Tazadaqyah, but should properly be called Jermaine Grant, has made the error of stating Jesus' Second Coming by the year 2, 000; this is something that the malignant ICGJC  gloried in during that era-that "black Jesus Christ would return and the white man would go into slavery". If there is any doubt that a "man of God" or a religious organization could make such a novice error, press play and watch the video.

     Essentially, that is what signified the Y2K apocalyptic hoax-fear, confusion and lies. 12 years later, that same circus-like atmosphere has resurfaced to haunt gullible and naive minds. As a result of the Mayans' prophecy, the idea that the world is coming to an end has plagued the minds of many once again. What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes. The media and Hollywood has endorsed this lie; news and television broadcasts promoted the Mayans' fallacious prediction of catastrophic 2012, embedding in the minds of the feeble and easily influenced that the world will end come 2012. Not to mention 2012 and its propaganda; people actually exhibited fear and sorrow while watching a fictional perspective of the Mayans' miscalculated prediction. 

     The fear, the confusion and the lies will only exist if you give them life. For those of you who are afraid that there will be a Day of Darkness in 2012; for those of you who are confused and aren't certain on whether to live your life as you normally would; for those of you that are gullible and allow such lies to have an impact on your life; for all of you that are guilty of allowing the fear, the confusion and the lies to manipulate and have power over your lives, think back to the Y2K hoax and the frenzy it created. Ponder on how people relinquished their possessions ignorantly. Reflect on how people lived in fear and uncertainty. Think as far back as 12 years ago, when it was believed that the world would come to an end and ask yourself, "Is 2012 just another apocalyptic hoax?"